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Designing a Learning Management System for employers to distribute training for hospitality and security sectors


Edifyd is a Learning Management System used for corporate training in industries such as hospitality, construction and security industries. 

I worked part time, designing interfaces for their employee and employer portals, course creation editor, course templates. and was also involved in rebranding.


UX Designer

With who? (Stakeholders)

Product Manager
Business Analyst
A team of engineers

What did I do?

High fidelity screen designs
Employee and employer portals
Course creation editor
Course templates

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Step 1
Problem identification
*Competitor Analysis

Customer 1:1

Step 2
Requirement gathering
Writing user stories
Step 3
*UX Flows
*Interface design
Step 4
*Dev handover
Development and release
*Parts I was responsible for
Not interested in process? Click here to view final designs
What's the problem?

Distributing and managing inductions and training is difficult in high rotation industries.

They have to manage training across 1000+ candidates

Employees don’t always complete their training on time

In result, HRs would have to chase them down to complete their training :(
Research and insights
A phone interview was conducted by our business analyst with one of our most active client - An HR at a leading security firm in Australia.
Here’s what they uncovered from the call...
Let’s call her Jessie

She’s has 7000+ employees to manage and she has to track training and induction across all of them, ensuring all are completed

The current Edifyd system does not have tools that matches her needs anymore.
There are times where emails to employees about training are bounced off, or are sent to spam.
This makes Jessie difficult to chase them down as she is not aware of this situation
Furthermore, the current Edifyd system doesn’t support course creation, so when she wants to upload new training material, she would have to contact Edifyd, causing inefficiencies in her workflow.
How Might We...
  1. Give more visibility for training completion, so HR professionals in high-volume settings (such as Jessie) can more easily follow up incomplete training when needed?
  2. Allow HRs more efficiency manage and upload their own training content?
The product team then wrote up requirements and user stories. I have then translated these requirements into designs, with consideration to best practices and accessibility.

Here’s what we ended up with to help Jessie with managing her training


Better visibility into emails that need action

For Jessie, emails are the main channel of communication between employees and HRs. An exceptions reports page provide her with better visibility into which e-mails to take action on.

Course creator

A course creator was designed so organisations can create their own course with their own content.
Homepage to course creator, displaying all their courses that they have created

Support of additional file formats to add to courses

  • Considering most clients already have ready made training content, our creator supports a wide range of formats such as visual, audio, powerpoint, HTML and video elements.
  • Sharing permissions and co-editing so other admins of the organisation can comment and edit on course programs

Employee login pages

Considering login pages are one of the first touch points of our product, the look and feel should represent our product and create impact.

We wanted the positive imagery of completion, conveying the positive feelings of passing a training course.

I have experimented with both illustrations and images, to see which one created most impact. Both were taken from a royalty free website, but illustration colours were altered to our brand colours.


The product was still under development after I left the team, and is awaiting feedback from client.


This was the second SaaS project I've taken part in, and I feel like I've improved so much, both in product design and UI design.
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