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Contactless, multilingual dine-in ordering application

Popsup - A web app breaking language barriers


Popsup is a multilingual, contactless food ordering app, targeting dine-in customers developed during COVID. 
I have joined the team as a UX design intern, designing their web application’s MVP. Although this was project I was very proud of, it was done during my intern days. I have written some reflections towards the bottom of this case study to document my growth and improvement as I advance in my UX career.


UX Designer

With who? (Stakeholders)

A product manager
A team of engineers

What did I do?

Mobile screen designs


Used across 30+ restaurants in Sydney

Step 1
Requirements gathering
Step 2
*UX Flows
*Interface designs
Step 3
*Dev handover
Development and release
*Parts I was responsible for
Not interested in process? Click here to view final designs
What's the problem?

In restaurants with menu items in foreign language, customers find it difficult to understand what’s on the menu, especially when there aren’t any images present.


The primary goal of Popsup is to reduce this language barrier, and for businesses to present their menu visually for customers to better understand what’s on their menu

Here are the designs I ended up with

Language selection

Customers can choose their preferred language once they enter the app

Order in group with ease

We designed a group order function catering for customers ordering in group. You can see what others are ordering, and pay together by simply tapping on ‘order with friends’ or ‘group order’

2024 reflections

Time flies! and as I gain more industry experience, it’s always interesting to look at my previous designs and see what I could have improve on. 
Here are a couple of points I would like to reconsider in my designs if I was designing this now:


  • This wasn’t considered in my designs back then. Looking back, a lot of colour contrast were not up to accessibility standards (for instance, the orange fails in colour contrast against a white background, and some grey text is too faint to see clearly)

Feasibility and value

  • Now that I have more knowledge into technical feasibility and product value, I understand that developing features from engineers require more effort than I imagined back then (e.g. fetching data from the backend and adding new sections to the screen).
  • We didn’t do user research in the project back then (total mistake!) Looking back at these, I question the value of some features I put in the MVP designs. Such as, is there really value in adding nutrition information to the menu items in an MVP design? If our main goal of our MVP is to break the language barrier and display menu visually, this feature would be a waste of effort to implement. I believe this section was later on removed because restaurants didn’t see use in this feature.
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